
About Us

고객의 가치를 창조하여 함께 성장하는
Management Philosophy
최상의 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌기업
Strategic Goal
Strategic Initiatives
  • Globalization
    Expansion of
    Global Network

    Securing additional buiness centre in key countries

    Securing 60% Global Market Share

    Expanding domestic and international OEM cleaning and coating markets

    Pioneering new markets

  • Technology
    Development in
    New Technology and Innovation in Research Organization

    Expanding of R&D investment

    Strengthening expertise of R&D center

    Advanced manufacturing process and office work

    Achieving over 80% automation adoption rate

    Expanding enterprise-wide introduction of AI

  • ESG
    ESG Enhancement

    Strengthening ESG and elevateing ratings

    Establishing a Systematic ESG Global Standard

    Overseas Subsidiary
    ESG Management

    Expansion of ESG Management in Overseas Subsidiaries

  • Synergy
    Strengthening Part Business Synergy

    Expansion of parts business and enhancement of local services by utilizing the global network

    Providing total solution through collaboration in part and cleaning

    Strategic entry into OEM business

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