About cleaning
Cleaning of KoMiCo is a process to remove contaminants such as particles and ionic impurities of equipment parts generated during customers' process. We also provide various solutions to maintain and control the surface of damaged parts to meet each process requirement by minimizing damage of basic material, removing process contaminants, increasing product life, improving uniformity and controling micro contamination.
- PhaseⅠInitial stage of cleaning
Introduced semiconductor parts cleaning
technology for the first time in KoreaPrecise cleaning per material and process
Improvement of physical
cleaning technology →
CO2 Cleaning, Bead, Arc Coating0.3 ㎛ Size Particle Control
- PhaseⅡOptimization
of products
surface treatment -
Improved various physical cleaning technologies →
Improved the surface suitable for various needs of customersCleaning processes on products with various functions & composite materials
Precision of cleaning
0.1μm Size Particle control
- PhaseⅡOptimization
- PhaseⅢIntroduction of
Nano cleaning technology -
Optimization of surface treatment →
Improvement of process yieldReduction of Particle source by increasing surface area per product
Precision of cleaning process →
Introduction of quality management system0.04㎛ Size Particle control
- PhaseⅢIntroduction of
- Phase ⅣEvolution of Nano cleaning technology
SMART Factory – Automation
Application of flexible recipe per product
Control of micro process → Reduction of process defect of customers
Development of eco-friendly cleaning technology
Increase of product life and decrease of delivery time
0.01um Size Particle Control